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d'Topeng Kingdom® Part 1/5 Topik Siang AnTv 5 Juni 2011
Adalah video yang di ambil memakai Toshiba Camileo S20 (walaupun kualitas gambar kurang bagus dan Audio tidak jelas) dari sebuah acara di tv, Acara dimana AnTv mengunjungi d'Topeng Kingdom Indonesian Heritage Art Museum di Denpasar Bali. Shooting di ambil tanggal Mei 2011 dan ditayangkan di Topik Akhir Pekan Jalan Jalan Bersama Jean Gisang jam 11.30 WIB, atau 12.30 Wita.
Youtube Wallon Jul 16, 2011 | 11:00 am

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Metro TV
A pioneering new museum in Bali focusing on Indonesian masks is a one-man (and woman) show aiming to help preserve the nation’s cultural treasures and heritage. Text by Katie Truman
With encroaching modern ‘progress’, there’s a distinct possibility that Indonesia’s priceless heritage and traditions could disappear as fast as southern Bali’s rice fields. Luckily there are people like Surabaya natives Reno and Elly Halsamer who not only recognize this, but have done something about it.
Rather than just being some fleeting whim, the Halsamer’s have been avid collectors of Indonesian heritage and cultural objects for nearly two decades, personally amassing hundreds of valuable masks, shadow puppets, daggers and decorative textiles, sourced everywhere from remote island villages to private European collections.“The thousands of Indonesian islands each have their own unique culture and art,” explains Reno. “We want to preserve this and the magnificent heritage left behind by our ancestors so that it’s not forgotten.”

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Mengenal Sejarah Kebudayaan di D’ Topeng Kingdom Batu
Ribuan koleksi karya seni dan budaya dari penjuru nusantara kini bisa Anda nikmati ketika berkunjung ke Museum Angkut. Tepatnya di D’ Topeng Kingdom (Indonesian Heritage Art Museum) yang bertempat di area Pasar Apung kawasan Museum Angkut, Kota Wisata Batu. Resmi dibuka sejak 23 Mei 2014 lalu, D’ Topeng Kingdom menyajikan banyak benda dari masa pra-sejarah hingga Majapahit. Museum d’Topeng Kingdom mengajak para pengunjung selain menikmati benda-benda bersejarah juga layak untuk dijadikan pembelajaran kebudayaan bangsa kita jaman dahulu. Beragam topeng dan pusaka asal berbagai penjuru Nusantara ada di Museum Topeng ini yakni seperti yang berasal dari Jawa Timur, NTB, Sulawesi, Kalimantan, hingga Papua.